Impact of social media on business

Social media marketing significantly influences consumer decisions regarding a brand, company or product. Many companies don’t realize the importance of social media platforms in supporting a brand’s digital marketing strategy. As the ecosystem for social media is becoming the most dynamic and ever-changing mediums of the marketing world. it is increasingly difficult for businesses to differentiate themselves across social media platforms. However, with social media, you have direct access to your customers and the opportunity to stay connected.

A great social media presence is an asset to strengthen brand presence as well as an effective way to attract new customers to your business. Social media platforms are proving invaluable in their ability to micro-target audiences that would otherwise be difficult to isolate and reach. It’s essential to leverage these platforms effectively and reach your target audiences.

Here is how social media can have an impact on the business:

1. Creating brand awareness

With nearly half of the world’s population out there, social media platforms are definitely the place to reach out to the audience. It an ideal way to create brand awareness and stay connected with the customers. Social media platforms are the major source for people to get the latest information about new products, services, advertisements, deals or promotions.

Social media platforms let you connect with the audience every time they are online. By keeping your posts entertaining and informative, you can grab the attention of your audience so you are on top of mind when they’re ready to make a purchase.

2. Boost sales and generate leads

Social media is an easy way for potential customers to gain information about businesses and products and increase traffic to the website. Lead generation is such an important benefit of social media for business as it offers advertising formats designed to collect leads. As the number of people using social media continues to grow and social sales tools evolve, social networks will become increasingly important for product search and e-commerce.

3. Enhanced brand loyalty

A 2017 survey of 5,700 marketers revealed that 69% are developing loyal fans for their brands via social media marketing. In the same vein, 66% of users between the ages of 18 and 24 years old are more loyal to the brands they follow on social media, while 60% of 25- to 34-year-olds favor the businesses they follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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